Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bummer & New Christmas Graphic

Hello Everyone,

Finally got my computer back! Good news is... it's running like new and the cost was minimal. 

The bad news is... it had to be wiped out so I lost a LOT of files... Bummer.

Anyway, I have some more Flea Market finds to share... I will be posting those pics soon.

I still have yet to perfect the new directions for applying my templates... I haven't had my computer to do so but now that it's fixed... it shouldn't be long (Sorry!)

In the meantime, here is a little Christmas goody for you... I can't believe it's November already!

Have a great night. :-)


  1. Hi, :)

    She is so cute. You always have such great graphics.

    So glad your computer is fixed. Mine makes me crazy every day. Here is cost so much to get it fixed.

    Excited to see your new graphics.

    Have a great Halloween

    Take care, Janet W

  2. So sorry that you lost many files. Have you thought about getting an external hard drive? Then, if that happens again, you will have a copy of your files? Some automatically save your files, and some you have to select to save a file. Well worth their money. The new Christmas graphic is so cute. Thanks for sharing :)


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